Amongst the ordinary moments of any set, lie the little memories we hope to take with us at the end of production. And yet, amid instruction, set-up, break-down, talent direction, lunch breaks, and the unforeseen, those memories quickly become background noise.

Alongside capturing cinematic character moments, potential poster images, and marketing material, I look to immortalize the magic of each unique set experience and provide a personal story by documenting the long hours, days, and even months of hard work.

Providing this service truly brings me joy, and I look forward to working beside you on your next big project!

- Luna A. McCulloch

How can Set Photography benefit your production…

Profile Pictures




Film Social Media


Promotional Materials


Crew Appreciation


Building an Audience


Marketing Materials & Posters


Profile Pictures 〰️ Fundraising 〰️ Film Social Media 〰️ Promotional Materials 〰️ Crew Appreciation 〰️ Building an Audience 〰️ Marketing Materials & Posters 〰️